About the Squadron
The squadron was opened November 2001 to suport the growing numbers in the ranks of the house Tridens. Because of teh shortage of personel of high rank, the house Questor, Striker, put me in comand. The squadron mainly flys the extremly manueverable A-9b Vigilance interceptor but a few have chose to fly their personal TC ships. About the CMDR After joining the TC 7 months ago, I joined up with Sadhe squadron and have not transfered since. After being promoted to LCM I made FL of flight 2 and have been in comand there ever since. I joine the DB just before my promotion to LCM and RA Proton(my old WC) invited me to join this great house. Untill many others from my wing joined I stayed fairly unactive, not knowing what to do. Soon after I became PRT and when Striker became Questor he gave me the privilage of being FL for Sickman in Sub-Zero. After a week there he once again gave me the honour of being promoted to CMDR of teh new Squadron that he was opening. About the A-9b This advanced fighter was produced by KDY, the long time provider of many imp. ships, as it made a bid to move in on the manopoly of the SFS TIE models. With the help of the EH Shadow works this fighter's performance is actually improved if there is a Sith pilot. It has no shields or hyperdrive but the weapons almost completly make up for it. It has 2 normal heavy laser cannons and 2 turbo lasers and it's manueverability and speed make it extremly deadly against both fighters and cap ships.
Squadron roster
This is not the official roster. The link below is to a page designed by me, with the pilots of the squadron and the ship they have chosen to fly.